Prior to visiting our website, please take the time to read our Privacy Policy. You are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy by accessing and using the website. We kindly ask that you refrain from using the website if you are not in agreement with these terms. From time to time, we may make changes to this Privacy Policy. Any time there is a modification to this Privacy Policy, you should go back and look at it. If you want to show your acceptance of these changes, all you have to do is keep using the website.

Information Collected:

The website gathers both personal information from registered users who willingly comment on the website through Facebook and non-personal information from website visitors.

Site Data Obtained from Visitors:

Websites may gather the following non-personal data from visitors:

Information gathered from Google Analytics on the visitor’s viewing habits, the visitor’s Internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, and domain name, as well as whether or not the visitor has made a purchase from one of’s marketing partners and, if so, what kind of purchase it was.This aggregated data is gathered by ebsite whenever a user navigates the different pages of the site or clicks on connections to other websites, such as those operated by Google Adsense.

For the purpose of better understanding each visitor’s needs and preferences and providing them with personalised content, including user-targeted ads, the website may share aggregated, non-personal information about visitors’ online presence and activities with its marketing partners and advertisers. Any disclosure of non-personal information by the website to third parties is made only with the explicit promise that the third parties will not store or use this information for any purpose other than what is explicitly indicated.